Cracking The Coding Interview

Chapter 1: Arrays and Strings

  1. Is Unique
  2. Check Permutation
  3. URLify
  4. Palindrome Permutation
  5. One Away
  6. String Compression
  7. Rotate Matrix
  8. Zero Matrix
  9. String Rotation

Chapter 2: Linked Lists

  1. Remove Dups
  2. Return Kth to Last
  3. Delete Middle Node
  4. Partition
  5. Sum Lists
  6. Palindrome
  7. Intersection
  8. Loop Detection

Chapter 3: Stacks and Queues

  1. Three in One
  2. Stack Min
  3. Stack of Plates
  4. Queue via Stacks
  5. Sort Stack
  6. Animal Shelter

Chapter 4: Trees and Graphs

  1. Route Between Nodes
  2. Minimal Tree
  3. List of Depths
  4. Check Balanced
  5. Validate BST
  6. Successor
  7. Build Order
  8. First Common Ancestor
  9. BST Sequences
  10. Check Subtree
  11. Random Node
  12. Paths with Sum

Chapter 10: Sorting and Searching

  1. Sorted Merge
  2. Group Anagrams
  3. Search in Rotated Sorted Array
  4. Sorted Search, No Size
  5. Sparse Search
  6. Sort Big File
  7. Missing Int
  8. Find Duplicates
  9. Sorted Matrix Search
  10. Rank from Stream
  11. Peaks and Valleys

Chapter 8: Recursion and Dynamic Programming

  1. Triple Step – Staircase
  2. Robot in a Grid
  3. Magic Index
  4. Power Set
  5. Recursive Multiply
  6. Towers of Hanoi
  7. Permutations without Dups
  8. Permutations with Dups
  9. Parens
  10. Paint Fill
  11. Coins
  12. Eight Queens
  13. Stack of Boxes
  14. Boolean Evaluation

Chapter 5: Bit Manipulation

  1. Insertion
  2. Binary to String
  3. Flip Bit to Win
  4. Next Number
  5. Debugger
  6. Conversion
  7. Pairwise Swap
  8. Draw Line

Chapter 6: Math and Logic Puzzles

  1. The Heavy Pill
  2. Basketball
  3. Dominos
  4. Ants on a Triangle
  5. Jugs of Water
  6. Blue-Eyed Island
  7. The Apocalypse
  8. The Egg Drop Problem
  9. 100 Lockers
  10. Poison

Chapter 16: Moderate

Chapter 17: Hard

Chapter 7: Object Oriented Design

  1. Deck of Cards
  2. Call Center
  3. Jukebox
  4. Parking Lot
  5. Online Book Reader
  6. Jigsaw
  7. Chat Server
  8. Othello
  9. Circular Array
  10. Minesweeper
  11. File System
  12. Hash Table

Chapter 9: System Design and Scalability

Chapter 11: Testing

Chapter 12: C and C++

Chapter 13: Java

Chapter 14: Databases

Chapter 15: Threads and Locks


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